We have made it a goal to explore and learn about this area so I hope my blog doesn't turn into a travel report because we do have great experiences with seminary classes and teachers and with missionaries.
That said...
One day Ron went for a walk on Lake Superior. He has done plenty of walks next to the lake, but this time it was ON the lake. He walked out to check some of the fish houses. The fish houses on Lake Superior as not as elaborate or expensive because the ice can sometimes move according to the wind (the entire lake is not frozen) and sometimes a big crack opens up and the people have to be helicoptered off. They have to leave their equipment behind.

This is Sampson Dolo who joined the Church about a year and a half ago. He is now a counselor in the branch presidency. He is an amazing person. He is from Liberia and when the war broke out his family was ruined, some killed, some beaten, some lost. He grew up in a refugee camp from 8 years old until 22. He shared some of his experiences at a fireside He is an awesome person who has found peace in the gospel. His testimony is so heartfelt and we are so interested to see what he accomplishes in his life.
Lisa Ream came to Minnesota because she felt led here and that there was something she needed to do here. She is awesome, a returned missionary, an experienced camp counselor with emphasis on team challenge games and a degree in math. She comes over on Sunday afternoons to play Hand and Foot with us and take a nap on our couch. Sometimes she makes cookies or rolls. We love her but she is going back to Utah. She has an ability to draw together everyone in a group and has done some awesome things with the young single adults here. She will be missed.
Theresa Smith has the "celestial kingdom" of quilt rooms!! It is built above her 4 car garage and has the coolest long-arm quilting machine I have ever seen outside a quilt store. And she said I could bring a quilt over and we could quilt it. And you know me, right? Here I am talking to her while she does all the work. She is the wife of our stake president. She has some beautiful quilts in progress.
We were invited to a Valentine Party for senior missionaries in Minneapolis. We had a potluck dinner and played some games. We did not know how serious they would be about Skipbo!! The Grafs are serving a medical mission. The Thompsons work in the mission office. The Soelburgs work with the young single adults in Minneapolis near the University of Minnesota. The Arringtons' mission is called member/leader support which means they serve in an area where there are just a few active members. They help the church members in any way they can.: sometimes providing rides, sometimes teaching English, sometimes helping to fill out forms for assistance. And lots more I don't know about. We are the only seminary and institute missionaries in the Minneapolis mission.
I was invited to teach a seminary class in Pine City. What a great class. Do you see them all reading their scriptures looking for an answer to my question?? This 4 student class is held in the basement of their teacher's home. She has a whiteboard set up and some shelves for them to keep their scriptures and other materials on. She has pens and pencils and markers in the middle of the table. There are muffins. She has colorful scripture mastery posters on the walls. In another part of the basement is her painting studio and the paintings are really good. In fact, Ron commissioned her to paint a picture of Minnesota for us. She also plays the guitar and piano and often accompanies the singing in seminary with her guitar. One of the students joined the church a few months ago. It is very rewarding to see him get excited about the scriptures and the things he is learning. He gave the most humble closing prayer that I will always remember.
We have been assigned to inspect the young missionaries' apartments for health and safety. So far they have done pretty well. Elder Stratton told them we would take them to lunch after the inspection. If they get a good report from us, they can choose the place for lunch. If they get a not so good inspection report, we choose the place. Either way they get lunch so they are pretty happy and we get to know more missionaries. But just so you don't forget we are in Minnesota, here is an antelope in one apartment sporting a Fedora, feather and a stuffed spider (I think). Don't you love the juxtaposition of their to-do list and the Savior and the antelope?
I forgot to include the rules for if you want to drive your car on the ice: roll all the windows down; no seatbelts; drive slowly so you don't create a wave that will crack the ice. Does it seem to you like these rules indicate some kind of danger? And like maybe you ought to stay off the ice with your heavy truck? Just sayin...
ReplyDeleteI am not sharing this post with Burke!
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DeleteI am not sharing this post with Burke!
ReplyDeleteBecause he will want to drive on the ice? Or because he will bring his banjo to seminary??
ReplyDeleteGREAT blog post!!! One of my favorites so far.