December 20, we attended Sean's baptism in Boise. He was baptized and confirmed by his grandpa. We are so happy we were able to be there. Darcy and Tom and family drove up from Ogden and we had a good group of family there. Annie planned an elegant refreshment table. Creighton gave a talk on baptism and I gave a talk about the Holy Ghost. It was well attended from the ward and also by friends Annie works with.
Then we celebrated Christmas with Darcy, Tom, Brady, Creighton, Bennett and Annie and Sean.
Creighton got a batman costume from Annie.
The boys got yoda hats from Darcy.

And, I don't know how they got so old! and tall!
Tom and Darcy, et all went south to Utah and we went North to McCall
Lunch at Lardo's
Sean wrote several notes to Santa including one that said, "Ho! Ho!" spelled out in marshmallows.

Have a wonderful 2015!
Great pictures, people, and memories.