I got an email this week from my Boise High Priest's Group Leader who asked it I'd had a spiritual experience. My answer: Well yes, like, a bunch of them.
How about, today the missionaries in the zone singing "The Armies of Helaman" song as a thank you to the sisters who provided lunch (including one non-member, a Lutheran she explained. And these sisters traveled two hours each way to provide lunch for the missionaries). Or spiritual confirmation that the new mission president, President Forbes, is in the calling he suppose to be in - my job is to support him. And hearing the stake president say that he doesn't lead the stake, the Holy Ghost does. Or, a conversation about the gospel at the gas station with another customer who saw my name badge. Or, seminary teachers getting impatient for seminary to start again - they miss it. And the constant confirmation in the Missionary Training Center that what I was being taught is true; and being taught how and what to teach by really good seminary teachers at the MTC and in Minneapolis. Or the huge missionary choir at the MTC devotional singing. Or daily prayer with my companion. Or a new stake seminary coordinator who is overwhelmed but excited and willing all at the same time. And a mother of 10, a convert, who lives 30 miles from the church, who has raised her children in the gospel. Or the spirit of the priesthood brethren who traveled over 4 hours to attend a stake general priesthood meeting on a Sunday afternoon. Or me, anxious to wear my missionary name tag, hoping it will prompt a gospel inquiry. And daily study of the seminary manuals and the spiritual learning I get. And seeing two dozen Elders and Sister (junior) missionaries in the zone trying their very best to do what they are called to do. Or a really good family history discussion with my daughter-in-law. And the list goes on. And a part of it is that I am getting better at recognizing that the Holy Ghost is all around all the time -- I just need to pay attention.
Elder Stratton
Cool. It's amazing to feel the spirit and know when you are having little miracles in your life. Keep them coming........
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed reading your list of spiritual moments. YOur comment about being more aware of what is going on spiritually around is certainly true. thanks, Barry, Beth and Mom