Sister Simpson and Sister Ballif are serving a mission here in Duluth and sometimes we get to hang out with them. They are such awesome missionaries! They came over to watch conference and brought "conference treats." On Sunday it was in the 70's and by the end of the week, the high was 48 and WINDY.

We are teaching the missionary lessons to an investigator who requested "more seasoned" teachers. Well we are certainly that. We are have a good experience teaching and feeling the Spirit as we do so.
ast Monday was zone conference and then we provided lunch. I think these missionaries love the training but they also love the lunch!
Early Tuesday morning we visited a seminary class in Askov on our way to St. Paul. Wonderful class, teacher and students.

Just in case you think we don't have any fun... We went to Minneapolis for a senior couple missionary conference. 11 couples serving in the Minneapolis Mission got together. First we had a potluck lunch and a getting to know you game. Then we watched the "Meet The Mormons" movie which our mission president had an advanced copy of. Then we went to Stillwater, MN to ride on the riverboat and have dinner. The next day we went to the temple and then back to work. We are the only couple working with seminaries. One couple works in the mission office. One couple are medical missionaries which means he is a doctor and advises the missionaries when they are ill or injured. One couple works with young single adults. And the other couples with work small branches (smaller than a ward) giving support to the members. For instance, one wife told me that she helps a woman who doesn't speak English. She helps the kids with their homework and she taught the woman to garden.

Saturday morning the Duluth Ward missionary co-ordination meeting was held at our apartment. Two sets of Elders, one set of Sister Missionaries, the Bishop, Ward Mission Leader and a ward missionary. We provided breakfast. Very Fun. Good to associate with such wonderful, dedicated people.
With the Soelburg's from Mesa, AZ

Today the Soelburg's came to Duluth and we took them to see Hawk Ridge, Two Harbors and the Split Rock Lighthouse and the beautiful fall colors along the North shore of Lake Superior.

And when we got home, our door had been " heart attacked"

We went to Bayfield, WI to the apple festival and besides having a good time, we learned that when you spend the winter in MN or WI, you definitely need a "Stormy Kromer" hat. Or maybe several, in various colors. They are made of wool and have a band that can be pulled down to cover your ears. Honestly, everyone has one! About Northland fashion when it is cold, you just don't care."
Then it began to snow....